Exchange program
Are you interested in other cultures? Would you like to get to know people from other countries and cultures? Then we would be delighted if you could take part in our exchange programme. One focus of our work in the exchange program is the organization of the student exchange, the musical exchange program and the football exchange.
For more than 20 years we have been organising the exchange programme between schools from different countries every year. Through the exchange program, we hope that when you are in Germany, for example, you will not only be travelling as a tourist, but that you will also have the opportunity to get to know the people of Germany and the German culture and to experience German life.
The exchange programme opens up new horizons and ways of thinking to the participants, which promote a peaceful and tolerant coexistence of people from different cultures – fears and prejudices are actively reduced on both sides, the basis for qualifications is created.
Such an experience remains unforgettable for many people and lays the foundations for a future peaceful and constructive coexistence that overcomes national borders as well as prejudices and understands cultural diversity as an opportunity for a common future of cultures.